Treating alcohol addiction with the LCH Technique 

The LCH Technique will help you to gain control of your addiction to alcohol. This unique outpatient treatment program starts with a free consultation and assessment, followed by laser therapy treatments and counselling, all-natural supplements for detoxification, written and audio materials, and continuous support.

After each treatment, you'll feel relaxed. You can return home or work immediately. With a series of laser therapy treatments, you can look forward to your future, free from addiction, more confident, and able to make better decisions.

  • Drugless, non-invasive laser therapy treatments to eliminate withdrawal and cravings

  • Treatments are less than 90 minutes

  • Many patients can control their addiction to alcohol completely with only eight treatments over two to three weeks

  • Follow-up treatments are available whenever you need extra support

  • No need to take time off work, to be away from home or family, or to attend group meetings

If you're ready to quit, the LCH Technique makes it faster and easier for you to finally control your addiction. We will support you every step of the way.

Contact us today to book a free, ½-hour consultation. We encourage you to bring a support person.
Learn more about how the LCH Technique works...

For many people, there is a fine line between occasional social drinking and alcohol addiction, and it's often not easy to recognize when that line has been crossed. Those who regularly socialize with other drinkers, or who use alcohol as an escape from stress, anger, or sadness, are particularly at risk of becoming alcoholics. Evidence suggests that children of alcoholics have increased susceptibility to alcohol addiction, although whether learned behaviour or genetics is the primary factor remains a point of debate. Those suffering from mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder are also vulnerable because they often resort to alcohol as a form of self-medication.

If you think you are at risk of being an alcoholic, it is important to recognize the signs
and to get help as early as possible.

You may be at risk of alcohol addiction if you:
• often drink to cope with difficulties, to improve your mood, or to reduce stress
• habitually drink more than you had planned
• have feelings of shame, or lie if you've been drinking
• have loved ones who are concerned about your drinking habits
• are arguing with your partner or spouse about drinking,
• are spending more of your money on alcohol
• are neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home because of drinking
• are experiencing legal problems stemming from alcohol
• are suffering from physical or emotional health problems due to alcohol consumption

Those who suffer from alcohol addiction are physically addicted, and experience withdrawal and cravings so severe, it can be extremely difficult to stop.

For those who require 24-hour care to help them quit drinking, or who are suffering from severe withdrawal, it is essential that they be under medical care. Depending on the individual's situation, a caregiver may recommend one of several combined methods of treatment, such as residing in a detox centre for a short period of time, then transferring to a recovery centre or going to a rehabilitation centre, additional counselling, or the requirement to attend AA meetings.

If you do not require 24-hour care, it is possible to complete your entire detoxification and receive counselling with a series of laser therapy treatments at a professional outpatient clinic. Many people have successfully controlled their addiction to alcohol with the LCH Technique at Laser Centers for Health.

Power Package

Three 90-minute laser treatments followed by five 60-minute laser treatments, along with written and audio materials, natural detoxification supplements, and ongoing support. Each treatment includes an in-depth assessment and counselling to help you build strength, confidence, and maintain control in your life.

Reinforcement Package

Five 60-minute continuing laser treatments with counselling and support to help you and your family cope with any situation and strengthen your relationships.

Maintenance Package

Five 30-minute sustaining laser treatments, with counselling and ongoing support to ensure your long-term success. 

Weekend User Package

The weekend user package is only available to those patients who have undergone an assessment with one of our Registered Nurses who may recommend that this level of treatment is the most appropriate. Three 60-minute laser treatments, natural detoxification supplements, counselling and support. 

Important: Each LCH Technique treatment program for alcohol addiction begins with the Power Package of eight treatments to kick-start your recovery. Your progress will determine whether you need further treatments. Many patients can control an addiction to alcohol after just the Power Package.

Loans available (OAC) for qualified patients or for their support person. Unused, pre-paid treatments can be banked. The LCH Technique can be claimed as an income tax deduction. Terms and conditions apply and may be subject to change without notice.