Laser therapy

For addiction


For Mental Health


Laser Centers for Health: Transforming Lives Since 1999

Since 1999 Laser Centers for Health in Nanaimo, BC has successfully helped over 15,000 people quit addictions and improve their mental and emotional health.

Their one-hour laser therapy treatment is a mild, pulsating sensation that boosts endorphins, calms nerves, promotes deep relaxation, and eliminates withdrawal and cravings, which makes it faster and easier to quit nicotine, alcohol, and drugs.

They are a professional outpatient clinic. Their treatment for addictions includes private counselling during each treatment, natural detox, and ongoing support. Client  confidentiality is strictly guaranteed. There are no meetings or step program. Clients can return home or to work after each treatment.

They also specialize in one-hour laser therapy treatments and counselling for relief from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, and more.

Treatments are affordable and can be claimed as a medical deduction on personal, business or employer income tax, or submitted to an insurance company.

Laser Centers for Health and their exclusive LCH Technique ® leads the way in laser therapy in Western Canada and their clients have the highest long-term success.

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we have the answers you've been searching for

If you're struggling with an addiction, or if you're trying to cope with day-to-day issues that are affecting your Mental Health. We offer a wide range of addiction treatments (even some that may surprise you), and also treat stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and pain. Take a look at our treatment menu, or give us a call to discuss your situation. Our highly trained staff is friendly, supportive, and strictly confidential.

With our help & our LCH Technique, you can overcome addiction and heal

Our patients are able to overcome their addictions, improve their emotional well-being, learn healthy ways of dealing with the stress of daily life, and ultimately, stay in control. Together, we'll create the laser therapy treatment plan that's right for you.

Our services

  • Physical Addictions

  • Habitual Addictions

  • Mental Health

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Start your journey with Laser Therapy, today.